We’re on a mission.

The Bettendorf Business Network is here to serve 900+ merchants and service providers in the greater Bettendorf area.

We are “Bettendorf Proud.” More than a hundred years ago, our community was founded on the Iowa shore of the Mississippi River. Today 33,000 thousand residents call Bettendorf home. We are included in the Quad City region which encompasses cities in both eastern Iowa and western Illinois. Companies such as John Deere, Arconic and the Rock Island Arsenal power our economy.
Bettendorf has experienced significant population growth by providing moderately priced but attractive housing, outstanding schools, city and recreational services and a vibrant business community. We are situated at the nexus of Interstate 74 and 80 with access to significant rail and air transportation facilities.
Our organization promotes the commercial, industrial and civic interests of our members in an effort to advance the growth and development of the business environment in the greater Bettendorf area. This mission will be attained through networking events, educational programs, business advocacy, business services and civic involvement.