Membership for all.

Our sole focus is to help Bettendorf businesses succeed.
If you are in business in Bettendorf, you are eligible to become a Bettendorf Business Network member. The BBN invites you to join a cooperative effort to support and give voice to the Bettendorf business community. To activate your membership, fill out the membership application. We will add you to our e-mail newsletter subscription list to keep you up to date on important matters relating to Bettendorf business.
Participating Members
Anyone may be a participating member without cost. To activate your membership, fill out our application and send it to our mailing address for submittal to the board of directors.
Contributing Members
Every organization has expenses that must be met. We strongly encourage everyone to be a contributing member. Please use the following information to determine your level of contribution.
- Individuals/Not for Profit – $100.00
- Business: 2- 50 Employees – $150.00
- Business: 50+ Employees – $300.00
- Build Bettendorf Initiative – TBD
- Event Sponsorship – TBD
The Bettendorf Business Network is a non-profit organization as defined in Section 501(C)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code. Dues are deductible as a business expense but not as a charitable expense. Contributing members may mail checks to Bettendorf Business Network, P.O. Box 642, Bettendorf, Iowa 52722.