The Downtown Bettendorf Business Women
The Downtown Bettendorf Business Women is an organization founded in 2016 to bring attention to the variety of businesses and services in Downtown Bettendorf. For more information please contact Terri Brown.

The Bridge Ornaments from past years are still available.
The Downtown Bettendorf Business Women organization’s ornaments feature the old and new I-74 bridge, stretching proudly across the Mississippi River. The old bridge sits behind its replacement. Local artists painted the original picture that is on each of the ornaments.
A limited amount of these ornaments are still availble for $15, cash or check only. Please contact Terri Brown to purchase any of these ornaments.
The money raised from ornament sales will go towards the Debe LaMar Scholarship for Young Women in Business, with two $500 scholarships going to Bettendorf High School and Pleasant Valley High School for young women heading into higher education or pursuing a trade to grow a business, and the Jefferson Neighborhood Christmas Project.